
Thursday, October 21, 2021

My Science Inquiry 2021

                    Science Inquiry 2021 - Space Rocks 

Me, Izzy and Riley are researching space rocks we made a slideshow about some of the differences between comets, meteors and meteorites.

I have learnt:
  • That when a meteor hits the earth it is called a meteorite. 
  • That the name comet is a Greek word meaning Hairy. The trail of the comet is made of rocks and iron it looks like a hairy tail. so a greek astronomer calls comets hairy stars.
  • That when a piece of space rock from the asteroid belt enters the earth's atmosphere, it heats up due to friction from the air. The heat causes gases around the meteorite to glow brightly and gravity will naturally pull the meteorite back to the land or sea.
  • The asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter.
I think that me and my group worked really well because we got our work done and we didn't argue we all had jobs so nobody was left out. 

We are going to make a diorama of the asteroid belt with the planets.    

 This is our slideshow.

I am proud of the  diorama we made

I didn't find everything challenging  

Monday, August 30, 2021


    Explanation Report  Term 3, 2021

By Hebe


Big Idea: to create an explanation report based on information gathered on your Matariki slide and personal experiences.

Learn:       I can       I am learning to 

  • Use my notes to write my own Matariki report.

  • Include details to support my main ideas.

  • Proofread my work - spelling, punctuation and paragraphing.

  • Check my writing makes sense and flows.


By Hebe

How do we celebrate Matariki What is Matariki? Why do we celebrate Matariki? Read this to find out!

Matariki is a cluster of nine stars that appear in late May, early June. It is also the Maori new year. It is a celebration that takes place in late may early July. 

It is a time to reconnect with family, tell stories and remember people who passed away.  I celebrate Matariki by watching fireworks with family/friends eating home-cooked dinner telling stories  and  lighting lanterns 

What could your family do to celebrate our Matariki Day 2022? Watch fireworks and invite family/friends over.

Matariki Myth story. In Maori, Matariki means 'tiny eyes' or 'eyes of God'. The children of the earth mother Papatuanuku and sky father, Ranginui, were divided over whether to separate them and bring light and life to the earth. Eventually, Tane Mahuta, the god of the forest, laid on his back and used his feet to force them apart. Tawhirimatea got angry and threw his eyes into the sky, his eyes shattered and became Matariki. 

In conclusion, I have learnt about Matariki and am proud to say that I understand it more than I did before and I hope you will too once you have read this:) 

Thursday, June 24, 2021


It started when I was on bus going to Ferrymead my teacher didn't know the password for the gate  but luck was on our side  and one of the Ferrymead activity instructors opened the gate for us.

we are there we get dressed into old fashioned clothes the girls wore dresses and the boys wore knickerbockers and shirts 

then we split up into groups and went to different activities my  first activity was the V-shaped hut we did chores like weeding the garden and house chores/ ironing clothing, sweeping floors.

Next my group went to Pioneer crafts we were shown how to make things like candles and rag rugs.

Next we went to packing the trunk the lady held up random objects like clothing candle making things and matches we had to decide whether it should go in the trunk that goes under the ship or not.

Next we went to immigration wear we had to write on a piece of paper what our name was, how many  children we have and what are job was.

we had lunch. after lunch we went and had a look at some of the other places like the school and the jail my teacher pretended to be really strict if we were late you had to stand with are hands behind are back and if you were really bad you get spanked   (not that are teacher actually spanked us). 

                                                                     We Went Back To School!
I Learnt... 
  • That ladies go before genteel men 
  • That you had to look after your shoes because they costed a lot of money 
  •  That if you were a lady you would have to hold your skirts up or you would get your skirt muddy
  •  That the girls helped there mother and the boys helped there father
  • That children should be seen and not head 
  • That you had to do your ironing outside
  • That you would cut wood with a crosscut saw
  • That the toilet/ long drop was just a hole in the ground with a box on top that could be moved
  • That the school was really strict if you talked when the teacher was talking you would get strapped
  • That you would make most of your toys
  • That your candles were made from animal fat
  • men did the farm chores and woman did the house chores     


Monday, May 10, 2021

Statistics Investigation


me and my did a Statistics Investigation on are school lunches this is what we found out.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021



This my 


Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 For our kaiawhina group activity we had to take a photo of ourselves and cut it in half and draw the other half. This is what I drew. It was really fun. I had to do a lot of rubbing out and redrawing. My favorite part is the hair because I think it looks pretty.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021



For inquiry we made belonging slideshows this is mine.